What is Clinical Supervision?

CRPO defines clinical supervision as a contractual relationship in which a clinical supervisor engages with a supervisee to discuss the direction of therapy and the therapeutic relationship; promote the professional growth of the supervisee; enhance the supervisee’s safe and effective use of self in the therapeutic relationship; and safeguard the well-being of the client. CRPO considers clinical supervision key to the development of a competent professional. Clinical supervision can be individual, dyadic, or group for those in the process of fulfilling their requirements to become a registrant with CRPO – this includes students and others who are not yet registrants with CRPO, RP (Qualifying) Members, or Registered Psychotherapist members receiving ongoing clinical supervision to met requirements for independent practice. https://www.crpo.ca/supervision

What is Peer Consultation?

An important aspect of professional accountability is to continually assess one’s knowledge, skills and judgment, i.e. competence. As self-regulated professionals, members are expected to understand their professional limitations, as well as their capabilities. Peer consultation offers the clinician the opportunity to confidentially engage with a more experienced colleague regarding clinical issues to promote ethical best practice. https://www.crpo.ca/standard-2-1

Clinical Supervision & Consultation Fees

*All fees include HST/GST

Individual Clinical Supervision — Varies

Dyadic and Group Clinical Supervision — Varies

Individual Consultation —- Varies